Explanation of The First Commandment
The First Commandment
You shall have no other gods.
What does this mean?
We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.
The Central Thought
All people everywhere are constantly looking for happiness, identity, security, and meaning in life.
Where do people today look to find these things?
Read Luke 12:13--34. Notice the foolishness of the rich man and the reasons Jesus gives for putting our trust in God.
✠ As Christians, we look to the one true God for all that we need. This is the God who created and sustains us, who redeemed us by giving Himself to be crucified for us in the God-man, Jesus, and who sanctifies us through the power of His Holy Spirit. There is no other God.
In what ways does God generously provide me with all that I need for my daily life and my eternal salvation?
A Closer Reading of the Small Catechism
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The 2017 Explanation presents a lens to faithfully understand God’s Word in the midst of changing times—providing a comprehensive, practical guide for living the Christian life.
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